October 31, 2008

Bachelor #344

You slept through Spell Check 101, didn't you....

Bachelor #343
Rub My Heart

"the walks on the beach, hikes in mountains, backrubs and heartrubs, will all take care of themselves."
I'll bring my Magic Lamp and wish for a new date.
Ah, that's the rub.

October 30, 2008

Bachelor #342
Fat Is the New Skinny

"I hope we both can grow forward together."
No thanks!
That doesn't sound attractive to me at all.

October 29, 2008

Bachelor #341
Phil The Philosopher

I appreciate cognition, philosophy, intellect, monogamy, existentialism, humanism, cosmology, culture, style, fitness, music, dance, food, travel, and rest.
I'd need a rest after all that.

October 28, 2008

Bachelor #340
Happy Me, Please

"About my date:
She is happy, smart, but still likes to laugh and play."I usually cry and dig a dole when I'm happy, but thanks for asking.

October 27, 2008

Bachelor #339
Jigsaw Joe

"You'll have to tolerate bits and pieces of me. And see if we fit."
Do I get to choose the piece?

October 21, 2008

Bachelor #335
Jealous Johnny

"I am looking for that special love, the one you see when you see two older people holding hands or when they look at each other you know they are still in Love."

Shame on you. I can't believe you would steal an old man's lady.

formerly Bachelor #242 August 27, 2007

October 17, 2008

Bachelor #331 Buzz Me

The truth is the only way you are going to know if you enjoying beeing
around me is to contact me.

You wanna play that game? OK. I'll just be like a bee and buzz on outta here.
Buzz off!

October 15, 2008

Bachelor #329
I Am Not A Bar Hoper

Low expectations have we?
Great, because no matter how far I lower my bar, it will still be too high for you.

Comeback answer submitted by Frank from Frank's Honk 'n Hollr ~
Comeback Challenge #38 August 9, 2007

October 12, 2008

Bachelor #326 Special Explosives In a Small Package

Anger Management is three doors to the left Sir. I'd say he has issues.....
Submitted by former Comeback Challenge winner Frank Sirianni of Frank's Honk 'n Hollr ~ #38 August 28, 2007

October 11, 2008

Bachelor #325
I Shall Be Telling This With a Sigh

....said Robert Frost in 1920.
But he never said this. Bachelor #242's headline reads:

"Two roads divulged in a yellow wood."

What did they say??!

Literary prowess always impresses me.

Formerly Bachelor #242 August 9, 2006

October 6, 2008

Bachelor #324 "I don't claim to be the Dally Lama of love."

Could I date a man who misspells deity?
I think not. All spelling errors being equal, can we talk?

First of all, I apologize to His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, Dallywood and Dally Parton. According to Tibetan tradition, an authentic spiritual leader chooses to reincarnate to serve the people, not reappear in dating profiles unannounced and undefended.
This is definitely not a God Wink.

No one usually misspells Jesus or Pope or even Brad Pitt.....sigh....but I did receive a letter once from an Asian man who wanted to marry a "Bapteese" lady from the states. That was not a God Wink either, nor was it a wink I returned.
At this point, I'd settle for just a manifestation of someone devoted to spellchecker. An apparition perhaps.

Reincarnation is not such a bad idea in this case – as long as I get to inspect previous baggage. But really. Would you want this particular karma returned to earth? He does admit to being less than perfect right off the bat....but still....his Dallyan love qualifications are definitely off the cosmic chart. Who am I to talk? I seem to be having a rough time even striking up a spark, much less a cosmic flame. Bapteese karma is definitely not paying off.

Maybe it’s time to reinvent my destiny. I’m not a Buddhist but once went shopping with a cousin of a step-cousin’s father who believed he was Marilyn Monroe in a former life.
Does that count?

Let's see.......whom shall I pick?
........Think literary, literary, intelligence…..I’ve got it!
Walt Whitman.
No, somehow that seems all wrong.
Jonathan Edwards? No….Too controlling. But he was a fiery soul for sure.
Hmm…… Rhett Butler (Oh, he wasn't real). No problem. He'll fit right in.

I’m stumped. I give up. I'm drowning in a sea of wannabe prophets who kiss their pets and want to parade me as tattoo candy (#9); men with dental problems and children who sleep in the woods, bald men with frisky combs (#12) outdoorsy rebels who tie their own flies!! (#2) and now, literary cowboys who don’t even know how to drop a name.

Duck. Flying grape approaching monitor.

And why would a man want to admit that he wasn't the "Dally Lama" of love?? What a missed opportunity for greatness and so unlike a male.
I'm always complaining to my girlfriends that men aren't "real" enough. Maybe I should stop praying for real and ask God to throw in a really good liar every now and then. Do you think I could reverse the karma with a bit of reverse cyberology?
It's worth a try.

I may need spiritual advice on this one before I do something to throw the entire dating world off kilter. I need someone with an Ocean of Wisdom.

Do you think the Dalai Lama is busy this morning?

Formerly Bachelor #17 August 14, 2006

October 5, 2008

Bachelor #323
Jack Has Now Left The Box

"I am laid back , calm , cool , collective , but out going and exiting too!
like to get out tha box sometimes."

Formerly Bachelor #159 February 7, 2007