"I love to read and I go to the nearest Barnes and Noble quite often. Sometimes I go to Starbucks and just throw hot coffee on people and laugh while they're writhing in pain. Just kidding! I was seeing if you were paying attention."

Did you say something?
There is another (in a long list of) rule(s) about dating profiles: writing about the infliction of pain on others is generally a bad idea unless it happens to be a BDSM site... Wouldn't want to scare off the normals, knowhatimean?
What Don said.
Don - It's daunting to know that there area ONLY a handful of "normals" on a dating site. Is it snobbish of me to consider myself in this minority?
(Mimi reading over the last 300+ profile headlines...)
Nor you!
Bud - What Mimi said.
I dunno - there are some normals out there. They're just in witness protection or something. They hide well - natural camouflage, perhaps.
Yeah, but what's really normal anyway.
Don - I don't have time to find them all. Witness protection program....ha!
LPF - You do have a point....
I'd say "Witless Protection Program" fits this crowd better.
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